Franchise Hockey Manager 4 (1DVD)

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Franchise Hockey Manager 4 is the deepest, most authentic hockey strategy gaming experience you can find. The game is the only PC/Mac game officially licensed by the NHL®, allowing you to take the reins of your favorite franchise to capture the Stanley Cup®.
Choose one of 24 leagues around the globe and select a team to guide to glory - or create your own hockey universe, or choose a historical NHL® start date as far back as 1917. Sign free agents, trade players, draft the next crop of superstars, and much more!
This is as close as you'll get to sitting in a General Manager's office without drawing a paycheck from a team. Oversee team finances, keep an eye on the salary cap, hire your staff, put together trade packages, make contract offers to free agents, and draft the newest generation of stars.

Title: Franchise Hockey Manager 4
Genre: Indie, Simulation, Sports, Strategy
Developer: Out of the Park Developments
Publisher: Out of the Park Developments
Release Date: 6 Oct, 2017

OS: XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8.x, Windows 10
Processor: 1 GHz
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: min. 1280x768 display (minimum-sized display requires fullscreen mode)
Storage: 6 GB available space

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