Sylvio 2 (1DVD)

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Juliette Waters wakes up in an empty apartment from the seventies, buried underground by a landslide. With the help of her ghost recording equipment she manages to escape and make contact with Walter, the owner of a local boat business. She learns that her boyfriend Jonathan is looking for her, and she decides to look for him too. She borrows Walter’s boat to travel the flooded landscapes of Saginaw Park, and heads for the coordinates written down on a post-it note stuck to the ship’s computer.

Title: Sylvio 2
Genre: Adventure
Developer: Stroboskop
Publisher: Stroboskop
Release Date: 11 Oct, 2017

OS: Windows 7 or higher
Processor: Dual core 2.4GHz
Graphics: Video card with 512 MB of VRAM
DirectX: Version 9.0
Storage: 7 GB available space
Additional Notes: Use headphones if possible.

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