Aerofly FS 2 Flight Simulator (31DVD)

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Aerofly FS 2 lets you explore the world of flying in a quality never seen before. Fly a large selection of highly detailed aircraft with fully animated and interactive 3D cockpits.
Aerofly FS 2 is a next generation flight simulator open for add-ons and sets a high value on realistic flight physics, highly detailed aircraft and a stunning, photo realistic scenery. World wide coverage of elevation data and aerial images is included with Aerofly FS 2. At the same time, Aerofly FS 2 features an intuitive user interface and requires virtually no training time.
Take your seat in the cockpit and enjoy flying over the famous Golden Gate Bridge or visit Alcatraz Island. Learn the basics of flying at our flight school or jump right into the captain's seat and land the majestic 747 at one of the busiest airports of the world.

16 aircraft included:
- F-18, Learjet 45, C172, Baron 58
- ASG 29 glider, Pitts S-2B biplane
- Airbus A320
- B737-500, B747-400
- King Air C90 GTx, Aermacchi MB-339
- Corsair F4U, Extra 330
- Swift S1 glider, P-38 Lightning
- Sopwith Camel

Highly detailed and interactive 3D cockpits
Adjustable cockpit lighting at night time
Realistic flight physics
Interactive Flight school for learning the basics of flying
High resolution aerial images and over 150 airports for the South West of the United States
World wide elevation and aerial images
Display terrain features like mountains, lakes and cities for easy VFR navigation
Route editor for easy flight planning
Adjustable time of day
Adjustable wind, clouds, visibility, thermal activity and turbulence
Replay system
Different view modes
Support for multiple joysticks, throttle units, rudder pedals and more
TrackIR support
Full Oculus Rift VR support
HTC Vive VR support
Support for Saitek Multi Panel, Radio Panel, Switch Panel and Saitek TPM

Title: Aerofly FS 2 Flight Simulator (Include all dlc)
Genre: Indie, Simulation
Developer: IPACS
Publisher: IPACS
Release Date: 20 Nov, 2017

OS: 64bit Versions of Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10
Processor: Intel Dual core CPU 2.4 GHz
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: OpenGL 3.0 compatible 3D graphic card with at least 1 GB of RAM
Storage: 35 GB available space
Sound Card: DirectX Compatible soundcard

OS: 64bit Versions of Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10
Processor: Intel Quad core CPU 3.0 GHz
Memory: 8 GB RAM
Graphics: OpenGL 4.0 compatible 3D graphic card with at least 2 GB of RAM
Storage: 40 GB available space
Sound Card: DirectX Compatible soundcard

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