Total War ROME II Rise of the Republic (5DVD)

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Encompassing one of the best-known periods in world history, Total War: Rome II will combines turn-based campaigns with large, cinematic real-time battles.
Become the world’s first superpower and command the most incredible and vast war machine of the Ancient world. Dominate the enemies of your glorious empire by military, economic and political means. Your rise will bring admiration from your followers but will also attract greed and jealousy, even from your closest allies. Will betrayal strike you down, or will you be the first to turn on old friends? How much are you ready to sacrifice for your vision of Rome? Will you fight to save the Republic, or plot to rule alone as Dictator – as Emperor?

This Release Includes:
• Total War: ROME II (main game)
• Total War: ROME II – Greek States Culture Pack (DLC)
• Total War: ROME II – Nomadic Tribes Culture Pack (DLC)
• Total War: ROME II – Seleucid Empire Faction Pack (DLC)
• Total War: ROME II – Blood & Gore (DLC)
• Total War: ROME II – Caesar in Gaul (DLC)
• Total War: ROME II – Baktria Faction (DLC)
• Total War: ROME II – Beasts of War (DLC)
• Total War: ROME II – Hannibal at the Gates (DLC)
• Total War: ROME II – Pirates & Raiders (DLC)
• Total War: ROME II – Daughters of Mars (DLC)
• Total War: ROME II – Black Sea Colonies Culture Pack (DLC)
• Total War: ROME II – Augustus Campaign Pack (DLC)
• Total War: ROME II – Wrath of Sparta (DLC)
• Total War: ROME II – Massilia Faction (DLC)
• Total War: ROME II – Empire Divided (DLC)
• Total War: ROME II – Desert Kingdoms Culture Pack (DLC)
• Total War: ROME II – Rise of the Republic Campaign Pack (DLC)

Title: Total War: ROME II - Rise of the Republic
Genre: Strategy
Developer: Creative Assembly
Publisher: SEGA
Release Date: 30 Nov, 2017

OS: XP/ Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8
Processor:2 GHz Intel Dual Core processor / 2.6 GHz Intel Single Core processor
Memory:2GB RAM
Graphics:512 MB DirectX 9.0c compatible card (shader model 3, vertex texture fetch support).
Hard Drive:35 GB HD space
Additional:Screen Resolution - 1024x768

OS:Windows 7 / Windows 8
Processor:2nd Generation Intel Core i5 processor (or greater)
Memory:4GB RAM
Graphics:1024 MB DirectX 11 compatible graphics card.
Hard Drive:35 GB HD space
Additional:Screen Resolution - 1920x1080

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