Age of Empires Definitive Edition (3DVD)

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Age of Empires, the pivotal RTS that launched a 20-year legacy returns in definitive form for Windows 10 PCs. Bringing together all of the officially released content with modernized gameplay, all-new visuals and a host of other new features, Age of Empires: Definitive Edition is the complete RTS package.
Engage in over 40 hours of updated campaign content with new narration and pacing, jump online in up to 8-player battles with new competitive features and modes, experience 4K HD visuals with overhauled animations, get creative with the scenario builder and share your creations. There’s never been a better time to jump in to Age of Empires. Welcome back to history.

Title: Age of Empires Definitive Edition-CODEX
Genre: Strategy
Developer: Forgotten Empires
Publisher: Microsoft Studios
Release Date: 20 Feb, 2018
Languages: English, French, Italian, German, Spanish,

• OS: Windows 10
• Architecture: x64
• Keyboard: Integrated Keyboard
• Mouse: Integrated Mouse
• DirectX: Version 11
• Memory: 4 GB
• Video Memory: 1 GB
• Processor: 1.8 Ghz+ Dual Core or greater i5 or AMD equivalent
• Graphics: Intel HD 4000 or better (16 or more Execution Units), nVidia GPU scoring 500 or more on Passmark G3D Mark; AMD GPU scoring 500 or more on Passmark G3D Mark

• OS: Windows 10
• Architecture: x64
• Keyboard: Integrated Keyboard
• Mouse: Integrated Mouse
• DirectX: Version 11
• Memory: 16 GB
• Video Memory: 2 GB
• Processor: 2.4 Ghz i5 or greater (4 HW threads)
• Graphics: Nvidia GTX 650; AMD HD 5850

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