White Noise 2 Complete (1DVD)

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White Noise 2 is the sequel of the successful White Noise Online. Be a part of the investigator team, or take control of the creature and devour them! White Noise 2 offers a 4vs1 asymmetric horror experience that won’t leave anyone unmoved.
The game features a simple matchmaking system that allows you to play with your friends without complications. Enter the game, choose your side or leave it to luck, and start playing!

Title: White Noise 2 Complete Update 51-PLAZA
Type: Game Updates
Developer: Milkstone Studios
Publisher: Milkstone Studios
Release Date: Feb 8, 2018

• OS: Windows XP SP3
• Processor: Dual Core processor
• Memory: 2 GB RAM
• Graphics: DirectX 10 capable hardware
• DirectX: Version 9.0c
• Storage: 1 GB available space
Additional Notes: 64bit OS recommended but not required

• OS: Windows 7 or newer
• Processor: Quad core processor
• Graphics: GeForce 660 or better
• DirectX: Version 11
• Network: Broadband Internet connection
• Storage: 1 GB available space

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