Cyberdimension Neptunia 4 Goddesses Online (2DVD)

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In this hack ‘n’ slash adventure co-developed with Tamsoft and Compile Heart, everyone’s favorite four Goddesses enter an online fantasy game world inspired by… themselves! Choose from 12 characters, each with a unique playstyle to fight in 4-person realtime brawls, unleash devastating Awakening Skills, customize with tons of cosmetic accessories, and even play online with others!

Title: Cyberdimension Neptunia 4 Goddesses Online
Genre: Action, Adventure, RPG
Developer: Compile Heart
Publisher: Idea Factory
Release Date: 28 Feb, 2018
Languages: English, Japanese, Traditional Chinese

• OS: Windows 7 (64-bit)
• Processor: Intel Corei7-3770
• Memory: 8 GB RAM
• Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 or comparable
• DirectX: Version 11
• Storage: 10 GB available space
• Sound Card: Windows compatible sound card
Additional Notes: Caution: ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5xxx, 1GB VRAM 5000 series, AMD processor may not work properly with this game.

• OS: Windows 10 (64-bit)
• Processor: Intel Corei7-3770
• Memory: 10 GB RAM
• Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960 or comparable
• DirectX: Version 11
• Storage: 10 GB available space
• Sound Card: Windows compatible sound card
Additional Notes: Caution: ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5xxx, 1GB VRAM 5000 series, AMD processor may not work properly with this game.

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