Gears of War 4 (29dvd)

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A new saga begins for one of the most acclaimed video game franchises in history. After narrowly escaping an attack on their village, JD Fenix and his friends, Kait and Del, must rescue the ones they love and discover the source of a monstrous new enemy.
Never Fight Alone: Enjoy two-player co-op campaign with friends locally via split-screen or over Xbox Live. Player 2 can select either Kait or Del. Horde 3.0: Team up with four others and battle wave after wave of increasingly difficult enemies by choosing your combat class, leveling up your skills and deploying fortifications anywhere on the map. Explosive Versus Multiplayer: Compete online in new and favorite game types, all at 60fps on dedicated servers. A new visible ranking system means fairer matchmaking for social, competitive and professional players alike.

Title: Gears of War 4-CODEX
Genre: Action, Arcade, Shooter
Developer: The Coalition
Publisher: Microsoft Studios
Release Date: Oct 11, 2016
Languages: English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Etc …

Your device must meet all requirements to run this title
• OS: Windows 10
• Architecture: x64, X64
• Keyboard: Integrated Keyboard
• Mouse: Integrated Mouse
• DirectX: DirectX 12 API, Hardware Feature Level 11
• Memory: 8 GB
• Video Memory: 2 GB
• Processor: Intel i5 3470 | AMD FX-6300
• Graphics: Geforce 750 Ti | Radeon R7 260X

For the optimum experience, your device should meet these requirements
• OS: Windows 10
• Architecture: x64, X64
• Keyboard: Integrated Keyboard
• Mouse: Integrated Mouse
• DirectX: DirectX 12 API, Hardware Feature Level 11
• Memory: 8 GB
• Video Memory: 4 GB
• Processor: Intel i5 4690 | AMD FX-8350
• Graphics: Geforce 970 or Geforce 1060 | Radeon R9 290X or Radeon RX 480

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