BioShock Infinite Complete Edition (10DVD)

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Experience the entire award-winning BioShock Infinite story with BioShock Infinite: The Complete Edition. This pack includes the main game and all available add-on content in the same edition, including Clash In the Clouds and Burial at Sea episodes 1 & 2.
Bring us the girl, wipe away the debt. The year is 1912. Deep in debt, Booker DeWitt has only one opportunity for a clean slate: rescue Elizabeth, a mysterious girl imprisoned since childhood in the flying city of Columbia. Forced to trust one another, they must harness an expanding arsenal of weapons and abilities as they fight to survive the threats of the city and uncover its dark secrets.

Title: BioShock Infinite Complete Repack-CorePack
Genre: Action, Adventure, Shooter
Developer: Irrational Games
Publisher: 2K Games
Release Date: Nov 4, 2014

The Complete Edition Release Includes:
• Bioshock Infinite (main game)
• Bioshock Infinite: Burial at Sea – Episode One (DLC)
• Bioshock Infinite: Burial at Sea – Episode Two (DLC)
• Bioshock Infinite: Bioshock Infinite: Clash in the Clouds (DLC)
• Bioshock Infinite: Comstock’s China Broom Shotgun (DLC)
• Bioshock Infinite: Comstock’s Bird’s Eye Sniper Rifle (DLC)
• Bioshock Infinite: Industrial Revolution Rewards Pack (DLC)
• Bioshock Infinite: Season Pass (DLC)

• OS: Windows Vista Service Pack 2 32-bit
• Processor: Intel Core 2 DUO 2.4 GHz / AMD Athlon X2 2.7 GHz
• Memory: 2GB
• Hard Disk Space: 50 GB free
• Video Card: DirectX10 Compatible ATI Radeon HD 3870 / NVIDIA 8800 GT / Intel HD 3000 Integrated Graphics
• Video Card Memory: 512 MB
• Sound: DirectX Compatible

• OS: Windows 7 Service Pack 1 64-bit
• Processor: Quad Core Processor
• Memory: 4GB
• Hard Disk Space: 60 GB free
• Video Card: DirectX11 Compatible, AMD Radeon HD 6950 / NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560
• Video Card Memory: 1024 MB
• Sound: DirectX Compatible

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