Unravel Two (2DVD)

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When you cut ties to the past, new bonds form. In Unravel Two, create a Yarny of your very own. Then build relationships with other Yarnys in local co-op or as a single player, fostering friendship and support as you journey together.
Begin your adventure in a cold and imposing land, then watch your surroundings blossom with new life as you chase the spark of adventure. Dive into an immersive story filled with energy, exuberance, inspiration – even monsters. Approach every challenge with positivity and fearlessness to awaken the world around you, and discover an unbreakable bond between friends.

Title: Unravel Two
Genre: Adventure, Platformer, Puzzle
Developer: Coldwood Interactive
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Release Date: Jun 10, 2018

• OS: Windows 7 64-bit, 8.1 64-bit OR Windows 10 64-bit
• CPU: Intel i3 2120 @ 3.3GHz OR AMD FX 4350 @ 4.2 GHz
• GPU: ATI Radeon R7 250X OR Nvidia GTX 650Ti
• RAM: 4GB
• DirectX: 11
• HDD: 8GB

• OS: Windows 7 64-bit, 8.1 64-bit OR Windows 10 64-bit
• CPU: Intel i5 2300 @ 2.8GHz OR AMD FX 6100 @ 3.3 GHz
• GPU: ATI Radeon R9 270 OR Nvidia GTX 670
• RAM: 6GB
• DirectX: 11
• HDD: 8GB
• Two controllers strongly recommended

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