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Every ninja, from the mythical tricksters of old to the covert operatives of the modern day, began as a student. Today, those students train at secret schools throughout Japan, from converted old castles to normal-looking high schools. Join the finest among equals at Hanzo National Academy, or the tough-as-nails survivors of Hebijo Clandestine Girls’ Academy, as they risk their young lives (and their nicest outfits!) for honor, family, and friends.

Title: SENRAN KAGURA Burst Re Newal
Genre: Action, Fighting
Developer: Tamsoft
Publisher: XSEED Games
Release Date: 23 Jan, 2019
Languages: English, French, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese

Available NEW! DLC for this release:
• (DLC PACK) – SENRAN KAGURA Burst Re:Newal – Limited Edition Contents
• (DLC PACK) – SENRAN KAGURA Burst Re:Newal – Cutie Melon
• (DLC PACK) – SENRAN KAGURA Burst Re:Newal – Cutie Peach
• (DLC PACK) – SENRAN KAGURA Burst Re:Newal – Shinovi Versus BGM Pack
• (DLC PACK) – SENRAN KAGURA Burst Re:Newal – ‘Yumi’ Character and Campaign
• (DLC PACK) – SENRAN KAGURA Burst Re:Newal – Prepurchase Reward

DLC PACK NOTES: And many others still not named dlcs

• OS: Windows 7+
• Processor: Intel i5 @ 2.8GHz
• Memory: 6 GB RAM
• Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750
• DirectX: Version 11
• Storage: 23 GB available space

• OS: Windows 10
• Processor: Intel i5 @ 3.5 GHz
• Memory: 8 GB RAM
• Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750 Ti
• DirectX: Version 11
• Storage: 23 GB available space

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