Bloodstained Ritual of the Night (2DVD)

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Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night is the FULL game experience, an exploration-focused, side-scroller action RPG packing all of the best features you’ve come to know and love from the Metroidvania genre into a single, content-packed game.
Play as Miriam, an orphan scarred by an alchemist’s curse which slowly crystallizes her body. In order to save herself, and indeed, all of humanity, she must battle her way through a demon-infested castle summoned by Gebel, her old friend whose body and mind has become more crystal than flesh.

Title: Bloodstained Ritual of the Night
Genre: Action, Adventure, RPG
Developer: ArtPlay
Publisher: 505 Games
Release Date: 18 Jun, 2019
Languages: English, French, Italian, German, Russian,

• Processor: AMD FX-4350 / Intel Core i5-4460
• Memory: 4 GB RAM
• Graphics: AMD Radeon R9 280X / GeForce GTX 760
• Storage: 10 GB available space
Additional Notes: If you have a potato PC or above, you’re ok.
• Processor: AMD FX-6300 / Intel Core i5-4590
• Memory: 8 GB RAM
• Graphics: AMD Radeon R9 290 / GeForce GTX 1050 Ti
• Storage: 10 GB available space
Additional Notes: The only potatoes you use are the tasty kind.

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