STAR WARS Battlefront II (18DVD)

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Embark on an endless Star Wars™ journey from the best-selling Star Wars™ video game franchise of all time. Experience rich multiplayer battlegrounds across all three eras – prequel, classic and new trilogy – or rise as a new hero and discover an emotionally gripping single-player story spanning thirty years.
Customise and upgrade your heroes, starfighters or troopers – each with unique abilities to exploit in battle. Ride tauntauns or take control of tanks and speeders. Use the Force to prove your worth against iconic characters like Kylo Ren, Darth Maul or Han Solo, as you play a part in a gaming experience inspired by forty years of timeless Star Wars™ films.

Title: STAR WARS Battlefront II (2017)
Genre: Action, Adventure, Shooter
Developer: DICE
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Release Date: Nov 17, 2017
Languages: English, French, Italian, German, Spanish

• OS: 64-bit Windows 7 SP1/Windows 8.1/Windows 10
• Processor (AMD): AMD FX 6350
• Processor (Intel): Intel Core i5 6600K
• Memory: 8GB RAM
• Graphics card (AMD): AMD Radeon™ HD 7850 2GB
• Graphics card (NVIDIA): NVIDIA GeForce® GTX 660 2GB
• DirectX: 11 Compatible video card or equivalent
• Online Connection Requirements: 512 KBPS or faster Internet connection
• Hard-drive space: 60GB

• OS: 64-bit Windows 10 or later
• Processor (AMD): AMD FX 8350 Wraith
• Processor (Intel): Intel Core i7 6700 or equivalent
• Memory: 16GB RAM
• Graphics card (AMD): AMD Radeon™ RX 480 4GB
• Graphics card (NVIDIA): NVIDIA GeForce® GTX 1060 3GB
• DirectX: 11.1 Compatible video card or equivalent
• Online Connection Requirements: 512 KBPS or faster Internet connection
• Hard-drive space: 60GB

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