Ghostbusters The Video Game Remastered (6DVD)

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The Ghostbusters video game is back and remastered.
Strap on your proton pack once again and join the Ghostbusters on the adventure with the voice and likeness of the original crew as you battle to save New York. The game features the voices and in-game likenesses of Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Harold Ramis, and Ernie Hudson in an original story penned by the writers of the original films – Dan Aykroyd and Harold Ramis.

Experience unique ghost hunting, wrangling and trapping with upgradeable weapons in widely destructible environments. Test the team’s mettle with large scale boss fights. Play through a unique storyline as the player battles and captures ghosts both well-loved and brand new throughout New York.

Title: Ghostbusters The Video Game Remastered
Genre: Action, Adventure
Developer: Saber Interactive
Publisher: Mad Dog Games
Release Date: Oct 05, 2019
Languages: English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Dutch

• OS: Windows 7 SP2 and Higher
• Processor: Intel i3
• Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GT 630
• Memory: 4GB Ram

• OS: Windows 7 SP2 and Higher
• Processor: Intel Core i5-4690
• Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 670
• Memory: 6GB Ram

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